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Rules and Info concerning access and consultation

Rules and Info concerning consultation
  • The scientific literature collection present in this repository of the "Italian Taste Project" is available exclusively for the project participants.
  • Users should be authorized by the site administrator for entering the site.
  • Authorized persons, having accepted the rules requested for partecipating to the Italian Taste project,  will be provided with a ID and a password to enter the repository.
  • Copies of documents may only be used for personal research, education and private use.
  • Site owners accepts no liability whatsoever arising from the provision of archive material. Users are expected to be aware of all the relevant statutory provisions concerning copyright, protection of privacy, libel, etc and shall indemnify the site owners against any legal consequences arising from their use of the material.
  • For information use the "Contact" button (see bottom page).


Site Structure

Digital files (May 5, 2015: 193) selected by the Italian Taste Scientific Committeee according to project aims, are allocated in folders:

Taste sensitivity, Psycological traits and Attitudes, Food choice & Eating behavior, Hedonic & Sensory responses (and subfolders).


Search guide is available on the site.